#MicrobialMeals is a self organised, community for artisanal probiotics


Say hello to the friendly microorganisms in your kitchen!

Kefir, Jun, Koji, Sauerkraut, Kombucha.


Hosted at:

Care in a Post Industrial Society / Umeå University

Food Production & Economy / Exchange Library, Aarhus

Cooking with Bacteria / Exchange Library, Aarhus

Fermenting with Rescued Foods / Flydende By, Copenhagen

Levande Kultur / Uddebo

Urban Foraging

A knowledge building workshop positing tactics for food accumulation in a sharing economy.


Offered to interaction design students.



Offered to:

Linnaeus University - autumn 2014, 2015

SiDER conference - spring 2016

iSchool Tokyo - spring 2016

The Bug Eating Club

Feb - Apr 2016

The Bug Eating Club Malmö hosted a series of meetings to explore interspecies coexistence through the practice of entomophagy or insect eating. A proposal for a domestic protein farm and plastic composting unit was exhibited.




With architect Cris Argüelles

Co-hosts STPLN & Petra Lilja Design Galleri

Damesalon, KBH

Tapori Tiffins Kitchen Lab

July 2013-2015

A self-financed initiative to explore social relationships between eaters and food.





Supported in parts by:

Stena Fastigheter Relationsförvaltningen

We Are What We Say We Eat

A collaborative eating event and performance lecture on cooking as a rhetorical activity.



Hosted by:

Hidden Economies – Oct 2014

Cinema Politica – May 2015

Rude Food Malmö

Oct 2014 – Onoging


Founded and directed a people's initiative to engage with food surplus in Malmö.







Miljöanslaget, Malmö Stad 2015

Region Skånes Miljöpris 2015

People & Society, Venture Cup Syd 2015


Hasan, Z. (2016). ''Countering Malnutrition: Participatory Intervention as an Act of Revelation'' Methodological Reflections on Researching Communication and Social Change. Ed. Norbert Wildermuth, Teke Ngomba. Palgrave Macmillan. 123-127. Print.

Hasan, Z. (2015). 'When we make more than we can eat', Fresh Vegan, Spring issue.

Hasan, Z. (2014). 'The mealboxes came a calling', The Hidden Economies newspaper. Ed. Bonnie Fortune, Lise Skou, Brett Bloom.


Stitching with Scoby . Room for Improved Futures . Rum46 . Aarhus . nov 2018

Fontana Mixing Vitruvian Correlations . Fermenting Feminisms . LABAE . Copenhagen . oct 2018

Philanthropy and social entrepreneurship . Swedish Philanthropy Summit . Stockholm . apr 2018

Myths and realities of restaurant food waste . Workshop at Parabere Forum, Malmö . mar 2018

Food and eco-preneurship . CulinaryAction! Basque Culinary Center, San Sebastian . feb 2018

Future of Food . KEA, Copenhagen. dec 2016

Collaborative food. Alibis for Interaction, Malmö . nov 2016

Microbes as Companion Species. Levande Kultur . Uddebo . oct 2016

Cooking with Bacteria.  Exchange Library . rum46 . Aarhus . oct 2016

Ecology of Production. Trade Test Site . rum46 . Aarhus . jun 2016

Care in a Post-Industrial Era. Umeå Institute of Design . jun 2016

SIDeR . Food -  Unfood . Malmö Högskola . apr 2016

Hidden Economies . The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts . 2015

Civic Cultures Conference . Lund University . 2011

Information and Innovation Policy Research Center . National University of Singapore . 2010

X-Front, participatory artistic research community . Design Museum . Helsinki . 2008

Participatory Communications Research Group . IAMCR . Stockholm . 2008

Communications Policy and Technology . Group same as above

Communications Space/ Place conference . Leeds University. 2008

Kontur Electronic Music Festival . Plex Theatre . Copenhagen . 2007

Experimental Radio Production . K3 . Malmö . 2006

Sound and Music in Public Spaces symposium . Aalborg University . 2006

Informational Aesthetics and Machines . Nordic Summer University . Kääriku . 2006

Digital Arts Weeks symposium . ETH University . Zurich . 2006 


Since Autumn 2017 I coordinate the Design + Change master programme and teach at the Department of Design, Linnaeus University.

2017 Spring


Linnaeus University, Växjö

With Tobias Engberg

2017 Spring

Rural Studio Småland

Linnaeus University, Växjö

With Petra Lilja, Sara Hyltén-Cavallius

2017 Spring

Speculative and Critical Design

Linnaeus University, Växjö

With Mahmoud Keshavarz, Jenny Lee

2017 Spring, 2016 Autumn

Social Design

Linnaeus University, Växjö

With Tobias Engberg, Anna-Karin Arvidsson

2016 Autumn

Speculative Design

Project based honing of critical and creative abilities in futures, service and system design.

Linnaeus University, Växjö

With Tobias Engberg, Petra Lilja

2015 Autumn

Digital Cultures, Social Impact

The module aims to enhance the students' awareness and understanding of concepts and practices in contemporary cultural expression as influenced by digital cultures. Cases, tools and methods are offered as learning material for the student to explore and develop their own proposal for a social intervention.

KEA, Copenhagen

With Rasmus Simonsen, Helene Jeune

2014-2015 Autumn

Innovation, Design and Processes

A series of study visits, lectures and reflection sessions on a changing design landscape where economy is not a given.

Linnaeus University

With Āsa Ståhl


Aiding Community Knowledge

Participatory, collaborative exercises at sharing knowledge affecting malnutrition in slums of Bangalore.

Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.

With Maraa; K3; IIIT-B


Designing for Social Impact

Exhibitions of pragmatic practices of social change.

Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.

With Deepak Srinivasan


Public Space Hybrid Media

A 2 month exercise exploring citizenship practices in the city-as-studio for hybrid media outcomes.

Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.

With Linda Hilfling, Kristoffer Gansing, Rune Søchting, Deepak Srinivasan

2009 – 2011

Designing Communication Processes for Social Change

10 week elective course on participatory work cultures for advanced graduate students. Students work with civil society actors on immigration, unemployment, illiteracy and youth culture.

K3, School of Arts and Communication, Malmö

With Per-Anders Hilgrén, Erling Björgvinsson

2008 – 2013

New Media and ICT4D

Course module within the one-year distance learning masters programme, Communication for Development. The aim of the module is to enable students to critically engage with the tactical, instrumental and culturally motivated paradigms of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in localized as well as strategic development.

K3, School of Arts and Communication, Malmö

With Kristoffer Gansing (2009-10), Anders Hög-Hansen (2011), Ylva Ekström (2012), Tobias Denskus (2013)


Årets Skånska Mangfald . award . 2017

Region Skånes Miljöpris . project award . 2015

Malmö Stads Miljöanslaget . project grant . 2015

Stena Fastigheter . project grant . autumn 2013

Wahlgren Foundation . scholarship for doctoral studies . 2007 – 2012

STINT . project initiation grant . 2012

Danish Arts Council . travel grant . 2010

Finnish Arts Council . travel grant . 2006

University of Art and Design Helsinki . masters thesis project grant. 2005